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A preview of the final product.

Test. Evaluate. Reflect.

Reflect on your mood.  Share  with care  givers. Reduce your stress.

moodbuble 6.png

Design Process

From the initial design challenge, via co-design, to an updated design challenge and different concepts.


Get to know the background of our co-designer, her social network and day-to-day activities.


Find out more about the background research, executed before starting the design process.

About us

Get to know the students that have been working on this co-design project with Wendy.


For questions and more information. 


This website is part of the project of module 7 "Project Designing for Specific Users" of Industrial Design Bachelor Program, University of Twente, 2021. This website is made for educational purposes only, without any commercial intent whatsoever. Any copyrighted material is purely used for educational purposes. The name of the co-designer and stakeholders are not their actual names to protect their privacy.

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